About ViP
ViP aim is to provide and enhance approaches, methodologies and tools for workers in the area of the social inclusion and entering in the labour market of detained people, in order to prevent the processes and conditions that generate forms of poverty.
Areas of intervention
- Improve active social inclusion and entering in labour market of detained people by enhancing efficacy and effectiveness of daily practices through peer to peer exchange among trainers and social workers ;
- Improve the awareness of meaning and function of the penitentiary institution and the kwon-how on its rules and procedures, in order to preserve the independence and proper interaction with users and institutional levels by the operators engaged ;
- Improve management of our adult education organisations facing the stress of social work played in prison and preventing workers burn-out syndrome.
- Share good practices, improve methodologies and approaches in order to accompanying inmates in their own process for social inclusion and entering in labour market ;
- Improve relations between organisations engaged in activities aimed at active social inclusion and entering in labour market of inmates ;
- Exchange tools for operators’ needs analysis and self-assessment ;
- Exchange of means addressed to operators supporting their proper interaction with the prisoners and  their independence from the penitentiary institution, in order to avoid inappropriate interventions and burn-out syndrome of operators.
This website is authored by the ViP partnership.
It is powered by free software (Drupal) and is maintained and hosted by the Greta du Velay's pedagogy laboratory. The graphic theme is derived from the Simple Clean theme.
The partnership publishes also information about ViP activities on its Facebook page.
You can contact the authors of this website and it's partership on the contact page.